Remote Control FAQs

How does the remote work?
These state of the art remote controls feature a sleek designer profile and can be hand-held or wall mounted. Our remote is small and compact and operates via a wireless radio signal. Once paired with your motorized shades the remote is a convenient way to operate a single shade, or an entire room!
How many window treatments can I operate with the remote?
The remote control offers 15 channels for you to mix and match the way you control your window treatment. This means that you could set each channel to individually control one shade at a time, or group your treatments on one channel to control them all at the same time.
How many window treatments can you group on one channel?
There is no limit to how many shades you can group to one channel.
What is the range of the remote
Radio frequency operation offers a range of approximately 65 ft. This extended range means the remote control does not have to be pointed directly at the shade to operate. Keep in mind that concreate walls and other signal interference may reduce radio frequency range.
What do the buttons on my remote do?

Standard Lift remotes have 5 buttons for operation. The up and down buttons are used to move the window treatment up and down to your desired height. The middle dash or minus button (-) is used to set your shade to your favorite position. The left and right arrows allow you to change between the different channels.

Top Down Bottom Up remotes have 8 buttons and the key difference is you have one more set of up and down buttons. The second set of buttons is programmed to raise and lower the headrail instead of the bottom rail. All of the other buttons function the same as our standard lift remotes.

Can I change the favorite position on my shade?
Of course! Your shades can be reprogrammed to your liking. Follow the steps in the setting a favorite position portion of the initial setup video
Troubleshooting your Remote
What battery do I need for my remote?
Your remote needs a CR2450 3V lithium battery.
My remote lost connection to the shades, what do I do?
The first thing to check is the battery on the remote and the battery on the shade. To test the battery on the remote, press any button and if the display doesn't display the channel try replacing the battery. If your remote is operational check other channels on the remote to ensure other shades are still connected. If you are able to operate other shades, try charging the non operational shade. If after a charge the remote is still not operating the shade try to go through the remote pairing process again. If you are still experiencing an issue, please give us a call at 800-800-3329